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Can YOU Feel It...... THE SHIFT?

Updated: Nov 22, 2018

You are too close to discovering all of your give up ~S. Y. Walton

Can you feel it? Can you feel the the change in the air. It’s transitioning from the warmness of summer to the sweater needing, pump up the heat in the car season. The leaves are changing colors, the air is more crisp, and even the daylight is suddenly disappearing earlier. There is a change, a shift in the season. Just as there is a shift in the natural (the weather), there is a shift in the season of opportunities

Are you ready for the shift? This is a time where many of us are venturing into new territories, or opportunities. This can be a time filled with excitement, but it can also be a little un-nerving because you have begun to walk into unfamiliar territory. These are all valid, and perfectly normal emotions. It’s okay to feel this way. Yet, know even if you are a little unnerved, prepare yourself for the new opportunity. Study about what is needed to become successful or how you can maximize this opportunity. Develop strategies, seek mentorship from someone who can assist you with the new opportunity, and network with others. In moving into new territories whether it is beginning a business, or making changes within your career help and support from others is always needed. Support, and having others who are trustworthy to help can be crucial in the success of the venture.

Or maybe there are things you would like to pursue but are fearful, feeling as though the dream is not possible, or your time has passed. If you are fearful that if you pursue your dreams you will fail…..just know all of us have failed at something in our lifetime. What is important to know is that, if you fail….learn from the failure, get back up, and try again. Many times we give up right before we are close to our breakthrough. If we just hold on, things have the possibility of completely changing in our favor. There is too much greatness inside of you to give up! If by chance you have people in life that at your time of failure say, “Just give up, I knew you couldn’t do this anyway.” Realize that is simply their opinion; it is not factual. Honestly, those words can sting especially if it comes from a family member or a loved one. Even if the words sting, and hurt you beyond comprehension, you can not give up. You have to keep movin’, pressin’, and following your dream especially if you know this is something you have been predestined to do. If we googled how many multi-millionaires have failed in their first business venture, you would be amazed. What happened when the successful multi-millionaire failed? He or she re-grouped, took time to do a self-analysis, and continued to keep the dream alive by persevering. Don’t let anyone compartmentalize you. Don’t let anyone limit you. You are a masterpiece with abilities, talents, and gifts. Make the gifts work for you. Make the talents/abilities work for you.

The time is now! Now is the time! There is a positive shift in the atmosphere…….Never Give Up! Believe, Create, & Move Forward

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